
Donnerstag, 5. September 2019

Tetragrammacide - Primal Incinerators of Moral Matrix

Genre: Black Death Metal
Country: India
Year: 2017

01. Hyper-Spatial Mandala of Intuitive Latencies
02. The Prognosticators of Trans-Yuggothian Meta-Reasoning
03. Radicalized Matrikavyeda Operation: Militarized Cosmogrids Destabilization (Heralding Absolute Contraction )
04. Cyberserking Strategic Kalpa-Terminator (Advanced Acausality Increment Mechanism)
05. Transcranial Ka'abatronic Stimulation Collapse
06. Intra-Dimensional Vessel of Were-Robotics, N-Logics and Assorted Lattice Intelligences
07. Meontological Marga of Misanthropic Computation & Extensive Backwards Physics
08. Imperial Cyanide Voltigeurs (Quantum Threshold Leapers of Hatha- Sorcery)
09. Dismal Ramification of Metamathematical Marmas and Sandhi

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